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Ivy Kids kit - Giraffes Can't Dance
Ivy Kids kit - Giraffes Can't Dance
In this Ivy Kids kit featuring the heartwarming story Giraffes Can't Dance by Giles Andreae, you will find:
- The book Giraffes Can't Dance by Giles Andreae, a touching story of Gerald the giraffe, who wants nothing more than to dance but it is hard for him. Gerald is finally able to dance when he gets some encouraging words from a friend and finds music that he loves.
- Read along Bookmark: Use to assist with reading comprehension.
- Painted Giraffe: Use your paint and/or markers to decorate your own giraffe. The giraffe will make a beautiful addition to any room!
- Giraffes CAN Dance!:While reading the story, use the finger puppet to act out the different parts of the story, especially when Gerald starts dancing!
- Jungle Dance: After reading the story you can have your own Jungle Dance just like in the story. Use the markers to color the different animal masks, select a mask to wear, put on your favorite music, and start dancing!
- Dance to the Beat of Your Own Drum: Use the paints and/or markers to decorate your spin drum. Try playing your drum during your Jungle Dance!
- Drumming Syllables: Look at each animal and drum the syllables in the name.
- Paper Bag Giraffe Puppet: Use the materials provided to create a giraffe puppet.
- My Gerald the Giraffe: Use your handprint to create your own Gerald the Giraffe. Then write about your favorite part of the story, Giraffes Can’t Dance.
- Giraffe Growth Chart: Included in this month’s kit is a Giraffe Growth Chart. Find a spot on your wall to hang the chart.The chart will be a useful tool for keeping track of your growth over the course of time.
- All About Me: Record information about yourself: name, age, height, something you love to do and something you were once unable to do but now you can.
- Giraffe Facts: Learn fun and interesting facts about giraffes.
- Giraffe Parts - Memory Game: Players try to find matching giraffe body parts by turning over 2 cards at a time. The player to collect the most pairs wins the game.
- Spot the Shape Game: Roll the shape die, find the shape on the giraffe, and cover the shape with a chip. Play until all the giraffe spots are covered by chips.
- Giraffe Graph: Roll the shape die and place a chip on the giraffe neck with the matching shape. Continue the game until the chips on one giraffe reach the top.
- Counting Giraffe Spots: Use the different giraffe neck lengths to count from 1 to 10. You can also use the giraffes to measure different small items from around your house.
Your Kit includes a guide for each activity to help promote your child’s learning while you play together.
At Ivy Kids, we know that every child is unique. In your guide, you will find tips to
modify each game based on the age and development of your child.